AB1705 update: Math Task Force Convening draws state higher ed officials
Oct. 25: “The Central Valley Way to
AB 1705 Success and Beyond”
Math and English Task Forces Coordinator – Central Valley Higher Education Consortium
With our Oct. 25 math gathering, “The Central Valley Way to AB 1705 Success and Beyond,” in Clovis a few weeks away, the Central Valley Higher Education Consortium presents our agenda for the day that includes a few new developments for the dedicated and persevering math educators of our Math Task Force who have been engaged in hearty discussions regarding implementation of AB 1705 the past year-plus for the benefit of our region’s students.
First a reminder for those who haven’t already, please register as soon as you reasonably can for the free convening, which I again have the honor of co-facilitating with Tammi Rice-Perez, Ed.D., of the Charles A. Dana Center (University of Texas at Austin).
And thank you to the 61 who to date have registered for this free event which will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Clovis Community College Herndon campus (390 W. Fir Ave. in Clovis) and includes breakfast (8 a.m.) and lunch.
The task force’s successful discourse has drawn great interest not only around our region but in the state and even nationally and we are pleased to announce that representatives of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and University of California Presidents Office will participate.
And, the task force has gained national math attention evidenced by the invitation for our three strand leaders to present about the “Central Valley Way to Math Success” collaboration at the annual conference of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) in Atlanta Nov. 14-17 though the Dana Center.
Making the trip will be Jeremy Brandl of Fresno City College and Shelley Getty of Taft College.
So, what do we have in store for this fourth in-person convening in this mission of math educators from CVHEC’s member community colleges and K-12 partners — in addition to great discussions along the way with significant time for sharing in the afternoon?
First, notice the title of our event — you’ll see something a little different this time around: “… and Beyond.”
Our primary focus remains AB 1705, but as our mission winds down, we will look ahead to our CVHEC Math Task Force continuing the collaboration energy that has effectively been established and maintaining this momentum for future math issues of common concern.
And, I understand that task force members will have developed the curricula for courses beginning in the fall of 2025 so there will be time to talk about and share curriculum ideas. But there will also be time for talking about delivering the curriculum, through innovative pedagogy and best teaching practices.
Additionally, our discussions have grown to include many guests/partners on the agenda from the state’s three segments of higher education as well as representatives from the California Mathematics Education Collaborative (CMEC) who will participate first by observing what we’re doing as well as sharing what they are doing in relation to teaching math and, in particular, to teaching STEM math.

Jeremy Brandl – Fresno City College
The session will open with a general introduction acknowledging the state leaders who will participate:
- Dr. Erik Cooper, California Community College vice-chancellor will join us by Zoom to represent CCC Chancellor Sonya Christian;
- Rolin Moe, executive director of UC Online in the University of California Office of the President will make the trip to Clovis to represent UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D.
- FredUy, director of Systemwide California State University Education and Leadership Program;
- Ted Coe, vice president, Content Advocacy – Mathematics of Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA), and a member of the California Mathematics Education Collaborative (CMEC).
At 9:30 a.m. for the Math Strand Report Outs, our three strand leaders will present and lead discussion on work undertaken with other Math Task Force members from throughout our 15 community college CVHEC members since our April 19 meeting – including ongoing strategizing over the summer – on three strands and discussion regarding Chancellor office guidance:
- Developing a single-course prerequisite to calculus – Jeremy Brandl, Fresno City College
- Developing a calculus course with a corequisite – Shelley Getty, Taft College
- Verifying single-course prerequisite – Nathan Cahoon, Taft College
- Profs concerned about C.O. guidelines – Tina Akers-Porter, Modesto Junior College
Vice Chancellor Cooper will take the virtual stage from 10:30 to 11 a.m. to present “Reflections from Chancellor’s Office.” He first joined us a year ago in our second session of what will now be seven AB1705 meetings by the Math Task Force since mid-2023.
Next, we will present the “Updates on Regional and State Math Innovations” segment with these topics:
- Innovation in Central Valley High Schools — College Bridge (5 mins)
- K-16 Collaborative Math Mentorship Program – Liz Rozell, CVHEC Kern Master’s Upskilling Program math faculty mentor coordinator (10 mins)
- UC-CCC Dual Enrollment: Enhancing Transfer Opportunities Through Online Collaboration” – Rolin Moe, UC Office of the President (20 mins)
- Update from CSU: Statewide Math Initiatives – Fred Uy, director of Systemwide CSU Education and Leadership Program (20 mins)
- Update from the California Mathematics Education Collaborative (CMEC): “What CMEC is Currently Doing” – Ted Coe, CMEC (10 mins)
Following a 40-minute lunch break, we will hear a discussion about “National Best Practices in Math Student Success,” by Joan Zoellner, M.A. and Dr. Rice-Perez, both from The Dana Center from 12:40-1:10 p.m.
The afternoon breakouts session, “Sharing, Discussion Primarily on Pedagogy and Data,” will follow up the three stand topics (above) led by the three strand leaders
Report-outs from the breakout sessions will be presented before the day wraps with the topic “Where do we go from Here? Setting the Date for Spring 2025” presented by Tammi and myself from 2:45 – 3 p.m.
This closing discussion will serve to bring our work on AB1705 to a close and begin looking to what lies ahead.
I am impressed with two observations about the past year and half of intense work by the Central Valley Math Task Force that I have mentioned before: I believe we are in the midst of a “math tsunami” in our state and our country. And we in the Central Valley are not only in it, but we are in many ways leading the way via “The Central Valley Way” to student math success.
Our Math Task Force members have been going above and beyond duty for the sake of students and their success so we are preparing for a good turnout Oct. 25. The more math brains involved, the better the outcomes.
Event questions: contact Ángel Ramírez, director of operations and finance, at angelr@csufresno.edu or 559.292.0576.
Media inquiries: Tom Uribes, text 559.348.3278 or cvheccommunications@mail.fresnostate.edu.

Joan Zoellner, M.A., and Dr. Tammi Rice-Perez, both from the Charles A. Dana Center (University of Texas at Austin), with Dr. Benjamín Durán, CVHEC executive director, at the first in-person MTF/AB1705 Convening last year.