2025: ‘higher education is at a crossroads’
Greetings CVHEC friends and colleagues …
It is a delight to welcome you to 2025 on behalf of the Central Valley Higher Education Consortium member colleges and universities as well as the CVHEC staff that has the privilege of working with our members on the impactful work they undertake in our Central Valley region – work that strives to improve the well-being of our students, their families and the communities we live in.
Before we proceed, let me join you all in wishing our colleagues and students from our sister colleges and universities in Southern California safety, security and well-being as they deal with the horrific and unimaginable fires raging. It is heartening to see those higher education campuses in the region serving as sites joining in efforts to assist the victims. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.
In our last edition, we shared with you the successes and highlights of the previous year. In this, our first newsletter of the year, we are happy to share some of the events and initiatives planned in the coming months.
First, you will note that Dr. Sonya Christian, chancellor of the California Community Colleges and Central Valley native, will join us Feb. 3 as the keynote speaker for our convening “Dual Enrollment — the Central Valley Way.” At this event, with educators and policymakers in our 10-county region, we will showcase the successes achieved throughout the Central Valley in the delivery of dual enrollment courses to regional high schools by our community colleges and examine what is ahead so that we work in unison, as one voice, as much as possible.
Also in this edition, you will read about the first cohort of Math Bridge high school students that began in the fall with a prep course and will now be taking their first college course this spring through the innovative approach rolled out in 2023 by College Bridge in partnership with CVHEC, community college consortium members and Rand Corporation.
As the spring progresses, CVHEC will hold similar convenings around other student success initiatives that are being implemented as well as to begin discussing strategic planning for the consortium. Details will be forthcoming on those events and plans but chief among them is the annual CVHEC Summit scheduled for May 9.
The summit is where the heads of the valley’s higher education institutions – the CVHEC Board of Directors – come together for a full day of showcases and discussions regarding education issues pertinent to our region. We will be joined by our colleagues, partners and friends. We look forward to hearing from our annual panel of legislative leaders from the Valley and, just as important if not moreso, them hearing from us. Watch for more details in our February issue.
In this issue, we are pleased to announce that this year the CVHEC Board of Directors will be chaired by Dr. Juan Sánchez Muñoz, chancellor of UC, Merced. Presently, two board meetings are in the works for this spring.
In closing, we also kick off 2025 with a special edition of our “What the CV-HEC Is happening” Blog: a reprint of the speech delivered by Dr. Jaime Merisotis, president of the Lumina Foundation, at the Complete College America Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana last November: “Progress in a time of disruption: the urgency of reimagining higher ed.”
CVHEC sent a delegation to the three-day conference where we were fortunate to hear President Merisotis issue both an alarm and a call to positive action. He warned that higher education is at a crossroads due to changes ranging from COVID, climate change effects, worldwide unrest, political polarization here in the US and a declining confidence in higher education due to distorted information.
But he calls upon our higher education community nationwide to heed a unique “opportunity to use this moment of extreme stress to pursue genuine, urgently-needed systemic change.
“Bluntly stated, this means calling BS on the outrageous distortions about higher education while also pursuing urgently-needed changes,” Dr. Merisotis told us. “These things are both possible, and not in contradiction.”
I hope you enjoy the blog and that this national education leader’s words generate some dialogue between you and your colleagues. We encourage you to share those conversations, as we will, on our various CVHEC social media platforms.
Once again, welcome to the new year and we look forward to maintaining and strengthening ongoing relationships with you as the year unfolds.