CVHEC Director’s Message: Re-imagining the social and economic landscape of our region
Greetings and welcome to our June CVHEC e-newsletter,
Welcome to the end of the semester and to the first summer in two years when we are not shut down. As we emerge from the pandemic, faculty and staff at our Central Valley Higher Education Consortium member colleges and universities have been engaged in providing a great education to our students.
In this issue, please look at this month’s blog that , in light of a recent article regarding University of Californian, speaks to the Central Valley Program Pathways Mapper project that improves transfer of valley students to UC Merced as well as our three California State University campuses, Bakersfield, Fresno and Stanislaus.
We are also delighted to congratulate the Central San Joaquin Valley K16 Partnership (Fresno-Madera Collaborative & Tulare-Kings Collaborative) and the Kern Regional K16 Education Collaborative (Kern County Superintendent of Schools) on receiving $18.1 million in funding each from the state for a four-year effort to improve the educational and economic well-being of the Central Valley. Merced, Stanislaus, and San Joaquin County are pursuing a similar grant opportunity and should hear in early fall. These K16 Collaboratives that will include our CVHEC member institutions can change the very social and economic landscape of our region.
Last year, the Fresno-based K16 Collaborative served as a model for the funding that would eventually be allotted to create similar collaboratives throughout the state.
One of the initiatives funded by Fresno K16 Collaborative was the CVHEC MA Upskilling project which provided funding to support high school English and math teachers in earning their master’s degrees to allow them to teach dual enrollment college courses on their high school campuses to high school students. Dual enrollment is one of the strategies CVHEC is supporting to help move students into and through higher education. By the end of December 2022, there will be 118 new high school teachers in Fresno County holding MA degrees to facilitate the delivery of dual enrollment in our region.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the issue. We wish you a restful and safe summer.