CVHEC White Paper Released: ‘Dual Enrollment in the Central Valley: Working Toward a Unified Approach for Equity and Prosperity’
The Central Valley Higher Education Consortium announces two significant developments in our ongoing dual enrollment strategies:
The release of a new CVHEC report, “Dual Enrollment in the Central Valley, Working Toward a Unified Approach for Equity and Prosperity;” and,
- An award of a $25,000 donation from AT&T in June 2020 to benefit CVHEC’s dual enrollment efforts. These funds will support the work identified in the report.
In Spring 2019, Central Valley community college leaders approached CVHEC to provide convening assistance surrounding dual enrollment, a strategy that allows secondary school students to earn college credits before their high school graduation.
As a result of the discussions in these early gatherings, a dual enrollment task force was formed. Participating leaders appropriately named their effort the Central Valley Dual Enrollment for Equity and Prosperity (CVDEEP).
The task force has endeavored purposefully and strategically in addressing the complexity of dual enrollment to spotlight both challenges and best practices for colleges and high schools in the nine-county CVHEC region.
The 16-page CVDEEP report, compiled by CVHEC Strategies Lead Virginia Madrid Salazar, J.D., highlights this work and provides a blueprint to strengthen dual enrollment delivery in the Central Valley.
“CVHEC’s dual enrollment efforts will be bolstered by the generous AT&T donation received this month,” said Dr. Ben Duran, CVHEC Executive Director. “We appreciate this partnership which is AT&T’s way of acknowledging and encouraging CVHEC’s hard work to help more Central Valley students attain a higher education.”
See the report here.
See the 2020 CVDEEP Convening.