Hello Dual Enrollment Leaders,
Please plan to join us and the Central Valley Dual Enrollment for Equity and Prosperity (CVDEEP) Task Force for the “Establishing Dual Enrollment Pathways In The Central Valley” workshop to be held Thursday, March 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Fresno.
The workshop continues the conversation that began March 5, 2020, in an effort to improve dual enrollment efforts as a region. The content of this workshop has resulted from input from our Central Valley dual enrollment partners.
We ask that you forward this invite along to anyone who could benefit from this meeting.
We look forward to seeing you on March 17th to continue this important work.
Please contact Angel Ramirez, CVHEC Operations & Finance Manager, for more information at 559-292-0576 or by email at angelr@csufresno.edu .
Event Materials
- EdTrustWest_JumpstartDualEnrollmentRoadmap
- EdTrustWest_JumpstartDualEnrollmentReport
- Success Story – Dinuba High School
- March 17 Breakout Descriptions
- CVHEC REPORT: Dual Enrollment White Paper
- PPT – CVHEC Jumpstart + Roadmap Presentation
Attendee List
Video Link
- NEWS RELEASE: CVHEC Dual Enrollment Convening set for March 17 in Fresno
- ADVISORY: CVHEC resumes in-person events with CVDEEP Convening, President/Chancellor Summit
- CVHEC Guest Blog: ‘What the CV-HEC is Happening’ Feb. 2022
- CVHEC REPORT: ‘Dual Enrollment In The Central Valley: Working Toward A Unified Approach For EQUITY AND PROSPERITY’
- Dual Enrollment Upskilling Teachers Master’s Program Advances Equity
- Dual Enrollment Success Stories: Celeste Galvan Of McFarland
- Dual Enrollment Success Stories: Nataly Frias
- EdTrust-West report: ‘Jumpstart: Setting Goals to Drive Equitable Dual Enrollment Participation in California’s Community Colleges’