HIGHER ED NEWS: Complete College America (CCA) ‘Math Pathways’ report
Complete College America ‘Math Pathways 2.0’ report fosters
national conversation about corequisite support for students
Complete College America (CCA) has released its latest report, Formula for Success: How to Support Every Student Through Math Pathways that, drawing from extensive work with institutions nationwide, offers a comprehensive framework for implementing math pathways 2.0 and transforming mathematics education in ways that support student success and advance equity goals.
“Building on the concept that the math courses students take should be relevant to their programs of study and career goals, we now expand to think about how students are brought in and supported through corequisite support,” said Brandon Protas, Ed. D., assistant vice president for Alliance engagement at CCA.

Dr. Benjamin Duran, CVHEC executive director, with Complete College America officials at CCA’s national conference in November in Indianapolis: Dr. Brandon Protas, assistant vice president for Alliance Engagement; Nichole Mann, M.A. Alliance Engagement director; and Dr. Dhanfu E. Elston, chief of staff and senior vice president for Strategy.
“When we look across the country, there is a lack of consistency in the courses that make up the math pathways sequences, particularly for STEM,” Protas added. “CCA is now sharing clear recommendations of what courses should be part of this sequence to maximize student success.”
Dr. Benjamín Durán, executive director, of the Central Valley Higher Education Consortium, welcomed the report as reinforcement for work CVHEC members and partners such as the Dana Center at the University of Austin (Texas) are pioneering in Central California.
“The CCA Math Pathways report emphasizes the importance of effective math placement processes that put students first,” said Durán who is also president-emeritus of Merced College. “This ideology aligns with the math alignment, AB705, and AB1705 work that is being done by our Math Taskforce here in California’s Central Valley. Seeing the country moving in the same direction with math pathways is really encouraging.”
Key highlights of the report published Jan. 8 include:
- Introducing the concept of math pathways 2.0, building on existing math pathways work, insights, and successes
- Specific recommendations on aligning gateway courses with programs of study
- Providing strategies for implementing effective math placement processes that start with student goals
- Outlining approaches for providing math corequisite and other student supports
- Offering guidance for measuring success and tracking student outcomes
The report provides critical insights for higher education leaders, faculty and staff committed to removing barriers in math education and expanding access to and success in all programs of study, particularly for historically excluded students. Additionally, the publication also includes specific recommendations for courses in the STEM pathway to ensure alignment with every student’s program of study.
Formula for Success rolls out math pathways 2.0, addressing critical challenges in postsecondary math education the persistent use of prerequisite remediation, inconsistent gateway course requirements across institutions, and practices that inadvertently steer students away from STEM pathways. By offering specific strategies to overcome these obstacles, including backmapping gateway course content, revising course placement processes, and providing corequisite support in gateway courses, the report provides a roadmap for colleges, universities, and systems to implement math pathways that work for all students.
The report builds on years of research and practice in mathematics education reform, particularly focusing on the nuances and challenges of math pathways in STEM fields. By working directly with colleges and universities of all types, CCA has developed a comprehensive approach that helps institutions close performance gaps and address inequities in student success.
Download the full report to learn how your institution can implement effective math pathways that support every student’s success.
The Central Valley Higher Education Consortium (CVHEC) is a member of the Complete College America (CCA), a bold national advocate for dramatically increasing college completion rates and closing institutional performance gaps by working with states, systems, institutions and partners to scale highly effective structural reforms and promote policies that improve student success. Dr. Benjamín Durán, CVHEC executive director, serves as an alliance lead responsible for providing oversight and coordination for local initiatives as well as CCA-sponsored projects, acting as a strategic thought partner and leader and promoting the efforts and importance of CCA. Other CVHEC team members serving as CCA leads: Elaine Cash, policy; Ángel Ramírez, equity; and Tom Uribes, communications.
See the “CVHEC What is Happening Blog” in our January 2025 newsletter for the keynote speech delivered at CCA’s national conference November 20, 2024 in Indianapolis by Dr. Jaime Merisotis, president of the Lumina Foundation.

CVHEC sent a delegation to the three-day conference Nov. 18-20 (see CVHEC photo gallery below) which drew 800 participants from throughout the country who heard Dr. Jamie Merisotis, president of the Lumina Foundation, issue both an alarm that higher education is at a crossroads and a call to positive action through system changes in higher ed: Tom Uribes (CVHEC communications); Delta College President Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson; Dr. Benjamín Durán (CVHEC executive director); Coalinga College President Carla Tweed, Elaine Cash (CVHEC grants), Coalinga College English Professor Brandy Wilds; Ángel Ramírez (CVHEC operations/finance).See blog and photo gallery: https://bit.ly/CVHECblog-CCA24keynoteMerisotisLumina.
See CVHEC Math Task Force stories:
Math Task Force AB1705 collaborations to continue – November 15, 2024
AB1705 update: Math Task Force Convening draws state higher ed officials – October 4, 2024
AB 1705: Math Task Force sets Oct. 25 reconvene with 3 strands – September 12, 2024
Math Task Force resumes AB1705 curriculum planning April 19 – April 17, 2024
WHAT THE CV-HEC IS HAPPENING BLOG (April 2024): AB1705 – Dana Center analysis of CCCCO memo – April 17, 2024
Math Task Force continues AB 1705 work with April 19 convening – March 15, 2024
Valley’s math ed experts unite to address AB 1705 challenge for student success – January 18, 2024
The CVHEC Way to Math Success — Implementing AB1705 – December 20, 2023
Math Task Force begins discussion of AB1705 implementation – Nov. 17 next – November 1, 2023
CVHEC Math Task Force meets in-person Oct. 13 for AB 1705 follow-up – October 10, 2023
MATH TASK FORCE: ‘Something extraordinary’ (Jan. 26 wrap) – February 23, 2024
CVHEC SPOTLIGHT: Math Task Force Convening Jan. 26 in the news – February 23, 2024
NEWS RELEASE – CVHEC Math Task Force: Impactful legislation (AB 1705) Convenings Oct. 6 & 13 – September 28, 2023
CVHEC Website Feature: Math Task Force Page – September 7, 2023
WHAT THE CV-HEC IS HAPPENING BLOG (October 2022): AB 1705 – What Does It Do? – October 19, 2022
New Remedial-Education Reform Bill: Central Valley colleges help lead the way – June 23, 2022